Monday, April 20, 2009

My pc getting hanged for every 5 mins?

my pc getting hanged for every 5 mins unexpectedly. i removed unwanted softwares and i also reinstalled the OS but same problem continuing. i also changed ram but no use.plz help
My pc getting hanged for every 5 mins?
It sounds like your processor cooling fan is not working. Change it .
My pc getting hanged for every 5 mins?
could be your hard drive
Reply:must be a hardware problem, cause even after you have reinstalled your OS if the problem is still persisting, it gotta be your mother board. Some inter and sis motherboards have this unique problem of freezing up due to their power regulator chip such a scenario i might suggest get your motherboard checked and if required replaced to solve your problem. Try using some benchmark softwares on your pc..they might be able to point the problem out.!
Reply:you got to check the fans inside the cpu. the one for the power supply box, the other above the processor. if these two are not working properly then you got to change them.Good luck
Reply:ok. u can repair this computer and shut down properly
Reply:Well my friend, i think you should discuss this matter regarding your pc with a sotware engineer, he%26#039;ll surely help you out, %26amp; get you rid of all such problems.
Reply:There could be some virus which affects the MBR. If the virus is in the MBR probably formatting will not some times clean it. Try to take it to the vendor and get some help from the experts!
Reply:Check the Power Settings in the %26quot;Control Panel%26quot; folder there will be power management change the settings to %26quot; Never %26quot; from 5 minutes , 10 minutes options %26quot;apply%26quot; and click %26quot;OK%26quot;

Now it will never hanged..

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