Friday, July 31, 2009

Laptop screen won't work!?

I have a Satellite Toshiba laptop and every time I turn it on I can hear everything working, but the screen won't turn on. At all. I have to take out the battery to turn it off since pressing the power button has no effect.

So pretty much. I press the power button. Motors whir and make sounds like normal. But screen remains off.

Laptop screen won't work!?
LCD screen is dead. Attach an external monitor to verify your laptop's status. LCD screens have a limited lifespan. The backlight is the first thing to fail on an LCD screen. If it is still under warranty send it in for repair.
Laptop screen won't work!?
The LCD fluroscent bulb is bad or can be changed only by high skilled techicians or you need to change the LCD. Before doing that connect the external monitor to check if other components are working

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